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Monday, September 12, 2011


"Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee." -King James Version

"If you wake me each morning with the sound of your loving voice, I'll go to sleep each night trusting in you. Point out the road I must travel; I'm all ears, all eyes before you." -The Message

"Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you." -New Living Translation

"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.  Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." -New International Version

Psalm 143:8

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

oh my soul

Dearly loved family, friends, and strangers,

I want you to know... I need you to know.

I will not pry; I will not force. But I want you to hear the story I have to tell.

This life is short. Whether we grow to be greater than one hundred years old, or we are taken a midst our teenage years, one thing is certain in this life. One thing is promised, even if everything else falls short. Death will come. Though, it is not death that I want to talk about, it is life.

I look around me daily. Whether I happen to be in the mountains, hearing the birds sing as the powerful, yet graceful wind blows through the towering trees; or I am standing at the beach, right at the edge of the shoreline, hearing the waves crash, feeling the breeze brush my face as I look out at the great, seemingly never-ending expanse of water, one thing is for sure...

I feel small.

And you know, I've been thinking, if I feel small when looking at the greatness of nature, then I bet that is true of others who have taken a second to look at nature, to really take it in. Whether those people are my peers, my family, politicians, celebrities, great thinkers... We are all just as small, when all else is stripped away, and we are measured against the rest of the earth or even greater, the universe.

Some believe that the universe was derived from a speck. That it was thoughtless, not purposeful, that the planets- great in size, the moon- its reflection, the sun- its warmth, the stars- their beauty, the earth- its ecosystem, the trees- tall and strong, the flowers- all the colors of the rainbow, the sea- from its shore to its curious depths, the waves- crashing, advancing, and retreating, the sand- tickling our toes, the fish- breathing under water, the birds- flying through the air, the grass- swaying in the breeze, the rivers- raging, yet soothing, the sunsets- beautiful and breathtaking... all. just. happened.

Furthermore, in believing this, it is to say that we just happened. That I am not on purpose, that you are not on purpose. My blonde hair, green eyes, smile, laugh, mind... My thoughts, empathy, love, care, understanding... Its all nothing. It means nothing, its for nothing, its from nothing.

I refuse to believe that I am nothing. I refuse to believe that you are nothing.

I believe that I was created. I was created and my maker knows who I am. He knows me at the core. I believe that I was breathed into by the only being that can create breath. I believe that the trees, the ocean, the stars, the moon, the sunrise, the sunset, the clouds, the wind, the fish, the birds... were all created with a purpose. That none of the world or this universe was on accident, myself and you included.

No matter your past, your lowest points, or your highest highs. No matter the things you have thought about doing or the things you have actually done. I believe you are a beautiful creation. That you are on purpose. That you have gifts. Gifts of deep thoughts, gifts of athleticism, gifts of understanding, love, singing, speaking, compassion, selfless giving, nurturing, carpentry, math... The gifts are endless, and I believe you are gifted.

I also believe you were created for relationship. Relationship with your community, with family, with friends, husbands and wives, children. And also relationship with the one gave you breath.

This is the point where some of you will check out, where I shoot from the hip and tell you the choice I have made in my life. But that's just it, you can't argue my person experiences. You can't tell me what I have felt is wrong... because it is what I know to be true.

I am a beautiful creation. I am gifted. I am loved. But I am imperfect. I come from a perfect creator, but I am imperfect. You may ask why a perfect creator would create something to be imperfect... doesn't that mean he messed up, he made a mistake, doesn't that mean he is no longer perfect? No, it means he has a plan. A plan to love us unconditionally, which only he can. But also a plan for us to choose him. A plan for him to know who truly abides in him and trusts in his promises. My relationship with him is not like winning the lottery. By following him, my life does not become easy and without struggles, strife, or frustrations. If life were to become perfect as soon as I turned to the Lord, I wouldn't be turning to him out of love, I would be turning to him for the reward. Who wouldn't choose a God like that? It takes a heart of selflessness to choose a God out of love, respect, and trust, instead of selfish gain.

I may have lost you, but I promise to wrap this up. I have just one more thing to say, and then I have said my piece.

God loves you. He loves you so much. So much that he became man, Jesus, who had to deal with man's imperfections, man's struggles, man's frustrations, man's temptations... death, sorrow, taunting, anger, deception, confusion... in order to understand you. And to give you an out. An emergency exit from this harsh, cold world. All he asks is that we believe in him, and attempt to walk in his ways.

His ways?? What does that mean?? Don't murder people. Don't cheat on your spouse. Don't be jealous, the list continues.... but, so far, those are all good things, right?

Believe in him. Trust that God is who he says he is and will do the things he promises to do.

I do. It doesn't make my life easy, but it lets me know that there is more to life than the here and now. It gives me comfort in my struggles, and confidence in knowing that I am on purpose.

I hope you choose the same.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." John 3:16-17

With all the love in my heart,


Friday, July 29, 2011


I long to write, with no words to say... I wake up, alive, breathing, light from the sun that has risen, yet again, shining on my face. The blessings are many and the downfalls are few. Few as they may be, they still hurt. They still sting. Why is that? How is that fair? Why do the hard things in life drag on for so long. Why are the hurtful things the ones we hang on to?

I wish it was the other way around.

I wish I could focus my mind on only the good things. On God's beautiful creation around me, on my amazing parents, my loving brothers, my wonderful friends. No matter how I may try, my mind wanders back to the crap. The pain. The sadness. Sometimes I wish I couldn't feel.

I wish I could be apathetic.

Apathy instead of empathy. Indifference instead of compassion. What would that trade lead me to become? I don't think I would like myself very much, but I think it would hurt less. I would be stronger when people caused pain in my life. I wouldn't have to care when I saw others hurting. My tears wouldn't fall to my helpless hands wondering why I, or they, deserve it. It would be easier... right?

Maybe, but I wouldn't trade my heart for the world.

No matter the pain I suffer because of my vulnerability.
No matter the tears that fall from my eyes as a result of my empathetic heart.
No matter the frustration that comes from my battle against bitterness.
No matter the wounds others cause by walking on my innocence.

I will remain loving, kind, caring, and compassionate. I will remain the innocent, understanding, and trusting girl that God created me to be.

No matter the tenderness it may cause within my heart. I will remain.

God help me.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Be where you are.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34)

There I sat, on my bed... thinking. Have you ever just sat there... thinking? The problem is, I had no thoughts. Was it because I have no thoughts, or was it because I have too many thoughts to choose just one?

When will I graduate...
What will I choose to do...
Will I love what I do...
Where will I live...
Will I have money...
Who will be in my life...
Will I be lonely...
Will I be happy...

The answer? Trust. That is all I continue to hear. Trust.

When will I graduate... trust.
What will I choose to do... trust.
Will I love what I do... trust.
Where will I live... trust.
Will I have money... trust.
Who will be in my life... trust.
Will I be lonely... trust.
Will I be happy... trust.

When we can't figure out the answers to the future right now, all we can do is trust in someone bigger than us. Someone who knows not time, or distance, or measure. He just knows. Trust.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sea legs...

I was a leader at a junior high camp this past week. Of all the messages, all the worship songs, games, and music, one phrase stuck out to me and still does today...

The speaker was giving a message about taking that jump into faith. The scripture he used was in Matthew 14, when Peter gets out of the boat and, for a moment, walks on water with Jesus. The wind and the waves are all around him, a storm like most fishermen were used to, but still frightening in and of itself. Jesus came to them, walking on water. As Peter saw that it was him, he called to him, and got out of the boat. What great faith it too for a mere man to trust his Savior, and his friend, so much that he would go out into the wind and the waves to meet him. The story continues, and Peter walks on water... up until he decides to look around at the wind and the waves, rather than at Jesus. As he starts to sink, he calls out to Jesus. Immediately, Jesus reaches down his hand and pulls him from the roaring ocean. After this, as a teacher and a friend, Jesus looks at Peter and asks, "Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt me?" And they both returned to the boat.

The phrase that stuck out to me, through the whole message was this:

The storm will rage, would you rather stay safely tucked away in the boat and rely on it to save you, or be close enough to Jesus that all he has to do is take your hand?

Matthew 14 is not about Jesus walking on water, its not even about Peter walking on water. No, I believe it is an illustration for all of us, we of little faith, to see that as Peter sank in the storm, Jesus reached out to him.

He did not ask for forgiveness first.
He did not say 10 Hail Mary's and 15 of the Lord's prayer.
He did not confess to his priest, pastor, bishop, or reverend.
He did not gasp for air and swim to Jesus.
He did not learn to walk on water by himself.

All Peter had to do was say "Lord, save me!" and you know what happened? "Immediately, Jesus reached out his hand and caught him."

How often are we afraid to get out of the boat? And when we finally do take that step, how often do we try to do things our own way, only to end up drowning in the wind and the waves?

Thanks to Zach Shepherd for his awesome message, and God bless everyone who reads this today.

I pray that you will get out of the boat and stand close to Jesus, so that when the storms rage, he can reach down and pull you out.

Love to you all,


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Thus you will recognize them by their fruits..."

To be open-minded is defined as being receptive to arguments or ideas.

So what does it mean to act out open-mindedness? Often we are fed the lie that to be open-minded means to have no backbone... To have no stance when placed within conflict, to have no opinion. If one is open-minded, then one must be OK with all views, must be supportive of all mindsets, theologies, worldviews. Right?

I say wrong. One must be receptive, must listen, but not roll over.

As a Christian, often I find myself within the box labeled "Closed-minded Christians." It sits on the shelf next other boxes... you know: "Right Wing Conservatives," "Homophobes," "Profiling Cops," the list goes on and on. "Closed-minded Christians" is the box I want to unpack today, although the other boxes could be written about for days.

As so called Closed-minded Christians, what is it that we do wrong in societies eyes? Excuse my over generalizations, but from my experience, this is what I have noticed.

We do not agree with same-sex marriage. We are pro-life. We believe that drinking should be kept to a responsible amount. We believe mind altering drugs, and the use of them to an extent where it changes your mindset as well as your day to day life is unacceptable. We believe that only through Jesus Christ, can one reach the Father in Heaven.

Bold statements, yes. But would you expect anything less? Being a Christian is based on the Holy Bible. A manual, so to speak, of the ways of this world, and the ways of those who aren't of this world... those who strive to be holy: set apart from. What hypocrites would we be if we did not stand up for the writings of our life-manual? Being a Christian is about more than just believing that God exists and Jesus came. Being a Christian is standing out as the black sheep in a world full of white ones. It is rising for what is right and just, rather than being blown which ever way the wind takes you.

If that makes us closed-minded, then so be it. But the next time someone decides to put me in that box, I hope they realize that as the mirror shows their reflection, how closed-minded are they when asking me to silence my views?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bruised but not broken

I found this message on YouVersion. It is written by Bishop Rick Wallace. I had never heard of him before reading this piece, but I think what he has to say is worth reading. Enjoy...

I will not be silent, i will not be quiet anymore...

In a world full of opinions, comments, blogs, walls, and headlines I can no longer travel down this path of life, calling myself a Christian, yet not speaking up for what I believe and know to be true. Often I find myself taken back and offended by the attacks of nonbelievers on my God and my faith. Why? The bible warns us that it will happen, that we will be persecuted for out faith (Matt. 5:10), so why do we cower and become offended when it takes place? Taking offense to others speaking against my livelihood is understandable and by all means necessary, but the way that I choose to counteract that attack is a completely different story. I believe there are 3 ways that we do so. Possibly more, but from what I have seen and heard, it seems as though our body of believers handles opponents of our faith in three very distinct ways.

1. Ignorance is bliss... If we refuse to listen to the attacks on our faith then they must not exist and the world is joyful, open-minded, and just.
2. I'm rubber you're glue... Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. Playing a game of "tag you're it" with facts, opinions, and insults all mixed in, in order to get a point across.
3. Holier than thou first fruits... I have God, you don't. I am saved, you aren't. He loves me, who are you?

Having been a Christ Follower for many years, I humbly lay down my crown before you in order to illustrate the fact that I have taken part in my fair share of each of the 3 techniques stated above. Faith stems from passion. Passion has been defined as many things, one of which is this: intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction. This definition speaks of passion as an emotion. As humans, our emotions exemplify the fact that we are of the dust (Gen. 2:7, Ecc. 3:20, Psalm 103:14). We are fragile, the simplest thing can set us off, so of course, when someone speaks of our faith in a negative, condescending way, we act out of passion. This passion either causes us to bury our heads in the sand in order to feel safe and secure, or it causes us to react, to fight back.

The question I continually ask myself is how does God want me to react to nay sayers and persecutors? I think the answer lies within Jesus. How did he respond? He responded first with knowledge, not allowing his emotions to overtake his mind. He responded with love, not allowing his passion to overtake his calling. Finally, he responded with courage, not allowing his injured pride to overtake his purpose.

We, I, must then spend time in the word and in prayer in order to gain knowledge. We must practice love, not just towards our friends, but also those who stand against us, even those who poke and prod using all their might to cause our blood to boil. Finally, we must step out in faith, knowing that at the moment when we know not what to say, He will intervene.

I pray that this blog is a place where I can refuse silence and stand up for what I believe. But moreover, I pray that this blog is a place where my knowledge of him, my love, and my courage will reach people, speak to them, and shine light on the face of God, a face so often covered over with the sheet of life and achieving worldly satisfaction.

May God be with you this day, understanding your frustrations, meeting you where you are, and lifting you up when you feel you can no longer stand on your own.